Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire|成吉思汗和蒙古帝国
Shown in the image below is the family tree of Genghis and the fragmentation of the Mongol empire. A series of civil wars broke out after Genghis’ death, resulting in a Chinese dynasty and four separate khanates, which are marked as colored boxes in the image. (Click on image to enlarge) 下图是成吉思汗家族的世系以及蒙古帝国分裂的示意图。在成吉思汗死后,一系列内战爆发。最后帝国分裂为一个中国王朝和四大汗国。(点击图片查看大图) Version 3.3 2018-01-10 戴雨潇制图